What is MongoDB and Features of MongoDB

What is MongoDB and Features of MongoDB

Introduction to MongoDB:

MongoDB is a cross-platform document oriented database system. It is arranged as a No SQL database. MongoDB avoid the traditional table based relational database structure in support of JSON like documents with vibrant schemas making the combination of data in certain types of applications which makes simpler and quicker. MongoDB is free and open source software.

What is MongoDB and Features of MongoDB

MongoDB has been approved as backend software by a number of major websites and services. MongoDB is the most popular No SQL database system.

Features of MongoDB:

Ad hoc Queries:

MongoDB sustains search by field, regular expression searches and range queries. Queries can return explicit fields of documents and also contain user defined Java script functions.


Any field in a MongoDB document can be indexed and indices in MongoDB are theoretically similar to those in RDMSes. Secondary indices are also accessible.


MongoDB presents high accessibility and increased throughput with replica sets. A replica set comprises of two or more copies of the data. Every replica may perform in the function of primary or secondary replica at any instance. The primary replica completes all writes and reads by default. Secondary replicas sustain a copy of the data on the primary using built-in replication.

Load balancing:

MongoDB extents horizontally using sharding. The user selects a shard key, which determines how the data in a collection will be scattered. The data is divided into series and disseminated across multiple shards.

MongoDB can even run over numerous servers, harmonizing the stack and/or copying information to maintain the system and managing in case of hardware crash. Automatic arrangement is easy to install, and new machines can be added to a running database.

File Storage:

MongoDB can be used as a file system, by taking benefit of load balancing and data replication features over several machines for storing files. In a multi machine MongoDB system, files can be dispersed and can be copied multiple times between machines evidently, thus successfully creating a load balanced and fault forbearing system.


Map reduce can be used for consignment processing of data and aggregation processes. The aggregation structure enables users to attain the kind of results for which the Sql GROUP BY clause is used.

Language Support:

MongoDB has authorized drivers for an assortment of admired programming languages and development surroundings. The Web programming language Opa also contains built-in support for MongoDB, which is strongly incorporated in the language and presents a type safety layer on top of MongoDB.

MongoDB Tools:


MongoDB recommends a communicative shell called mongo, which allows developers to view, remove, and update data, insert in their databases, as well as to obtain replication information, set up sharding, execute JavaScript, shut down servers and so on.

Mongo Stat:

Mongo Stat is a command line tool that displays an outline list of position information for a presently running MongoDB instance such as how many updates, inserts, queries, removes and commands were executed, as well as what fraction of the time the database was protected and how much memory it is utilizing. This is related to the UNIX/Linux vmstat effectiveness.

The above are the details about What is MongoDB and Features of MongoDB

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About the Author: Nagendra Kumar

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